The Prunera Family
Pastoral family
Mauricio was born and raised in El Salvador where he accepted Christ as his personal Savior while Rachel heard the good news and accepted Christ, while living in France.
They both found their way to Argentina where they met during their studies at a Bible Institute. They were married in November of 2006, and have two children, Esteban (2010) and Lidia (2014).
They served the Lord in El Salvador for more than 10 years in an evangelistic pastoral ministry at a national level bringing The Gospel to schools and jails, doing medical campaigns, dramas, musicals, etc.
They also had a pastoral ministry with the youth of a local church in the capital of San Salvador.
In October 2016, God brought the Prunera family to Normandy and placed them in Saint-Lô. God has been guiding them to plant a biblical, loving, French-speaking church with open doors for everyone (French and foreigners) in this city. This process began through regular Bible studies in their home and the rental of a room in a hotel in the city center once a month. Gradually, God has been adding new people to the congregation.
Since August 2021, the church has been paying the rent on a building where they can meet every Sunday. The building has a room with space for about 45 people and four rooms on the second level, which are used to provide temporary accommodation for people who do not have a fixed home due to their economic situation or immigration status. To the glory of God, many Sundays the room is filled with people of different ages and nationalities, desiring to hear the Word of God. The payment of rent and basic services is made possible by the offerings and donations from people from different parts of the world, such as the United States, Canada, England, El Salvador, etc.